The layout is used to create zones on the screen. Multiple zones can be added to segment the screen into layout zones. Each layout zone has independent content programming and a zone label. One zone can be used that spans the entire layout canvas to have content playback in full screen. Alternatively a Full Screen Command can be used to switch between multiple zones and full screen.

The following outlines the steps to create a new layout.

Step 1)  Within the Studio tab, click on the layouts sub-tab. Select a folder and click the "New Layout" button. 

Step 2) Type in a name for the layout and select the resolution or aspect ratio for the layout. Note: The layout resolution should match the desired screen resolution.

Step 3) Drag the zone icon into the layout. Repeat this for the number of zones required.

Step 4) Click in the middle of the new zone to move it around the canvas. Hover the mouse over the edges of the zone and drag the zone to expand it. Optionally the zone values can be manually entered on the zone which can be helpful for precision.

Step 5) If any of the zones overlap, right-click on the zone to change the z-order as needed by moving zones back and bringing them forward.

Step 6) Save the layout by clicking  on the "Floppy Disk", Save icon. A program can then be created based on the new layout. For more information about creating program, see "Creating a Program".

NOTE: All screen layouts must have zone tags applied to each zone.  Follow these steps once your screen layout has been created:

Step 7)  Creating Zone Tags and Applying Them to a Screen Layout