To upload content files to your EnGage account, click the Content tab.  Within the Content tab, there are two tabs labeled 'Program Content and Dynamic Content'.   All content management is done within the Content tab.

Content can be uploaded directly to either of these two folders, but best practice is to first upload content to the 'Program Content' folder.  All content uploaded into the 'Program Content' can be copied or transferred to the 'Dynamic Content' area as well.

To begin, create a folder by selecting the 'All Folders' icon and click the add a new folder button located in the 'Program Content' task bar seen below.  You will be prompted to name the folder.  Edit the name by either clicking the edit button seen below as the paper and pencil icon, or right click the new folder text and rename accordingly.

Select the folder you would like to upload content into.  In the 'Overview' window to the right, click Upload Files.  

There are two methods used for uploading content.  Files can be uploaded either by selecting content after clicking the Choose Files button, or by using the HTML file upload tool seen at the bottom of the Upload Files pop up window.  If for any reason, files are not uploading correctly due to any possible errors, it is recommended to use the HTML file upload tool.

Click choose files and select content files from your computer.  Multiple files can be selected and uploaded together as a group.  Once all content has been selected.  Click the 'Start Upload' button seen below.  

EnGage will automatically generate a time stamp identifying the the day and time in which the content was added into your account.  

Click the publish button located within the Overview window to enable the content for programming use.  Any content that is left 'unpublished' cannot be added to any programming.  Note: EnGage accounts can be set up to automatically to publish all uploaded content.  This preference needs to be enabled at the begin of the account creation process.

Content can be removed by clicking the red X located in the 'Program Content' task bar.  Content can also be moved to any other folder by simply clicking and dragging to the appropriate folder.